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[2] 2015. [15], In 1926, advocates of Watkins' beliefs established the Straight Track Club. Find the area on the map you wish to create a new ley line. [44] By the 1990s, British archaeology had become more open to ideas about language and cognition, topics that Earth Mysteries enthusiasts had long been interested in. He coined these lines leys, later ley lines, and in doing so opened a world of supernatural and spiritual beliefs. Kate Kershner An interactive map of the British Isles showing the route of some of the longest ley lines that have been generally accepted to be accurate. The lines are curved to follow the curve of the Earth's surface (to be more accurate). A map showing the St. Michaels Ley Line. Eastern Scotland Ley Line ‐ 117 miles, .___. These Supernatural Lines Supposedly Connect The Universe Through Monuments And Landforms. He identified tracks that intersected the priory and ran straight up the surrounding hillsides. [13] It was in the latter decade of this period that a belief in ley lines was taken up by members of the counterculture,[13] wherein the words of the archaeologist Matthew Johnsonthey were attributed with "sacred significance or mystical power". Perhaps their presence on the ley lines, near to the so-called energy pockets could explain their inceptions, all of which defied the laws of architecture at the time. The straight lines that are imbued with deep power and electromagnetic energy, which all connect important and sacred sites throughout the world. [6], He put forward his idea of ley lines in the 1922 book Early British Trackways and then again, in greater depth, in the 1925 book The Old Straight Track. The idea that ancient sacred sites might have been constructed in alignment with one another was proposed in 1846 by the Reverend Edward Duke, who observed that some prehistoric monuments and medieval churches aligned with each other. Ley lines (/le/) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks. In Germany, the idea was referred to as Heilige Linien ('holy lines'), an idea adopted by some proponents of Nazism. Regardless of their validity, the concept of ley lines has captivated fans of the supernatural and science fiction for years. It is helpful to know about any underground piping or other manmade lines on your property, such as buried power lines. Ley Lines can stretch for miles and cross valleys, mountains and the sea. If you are in a place where the speed of your internet connection is very slow, it can be frustrating and annoying to be unable to use Google Earth. [13] His critics noted that the straight lines he proposed would have been highly impractical means of crossing hilly or mountainous terrain, and that many of the sites he selected as evidence for the leys were of disparate historical origins. According to conspiracy theorists, Stonehenge is an energy portal positioned at the center of a ley line. But when you have a map with many different countries and cities on it, drawing lines becomes difficult. [22] It was later edited by Paul Screeton, who also wrote the book Quicksilver Heritage, in which he argued that the Neolithic period had seen an idyllic society devoted to spirituality but that this was brought to an end through the introduction of metal technologies in the Bronze Age. [43] In particular, it drew attention to ethnographically recorded beliefs in the importance of lines running through the landscape in various communities around the world, proposing these as ethnographic comparisons for what might have occurred in prehistoric Britain. In the 1970s a group called the Dragon Project did some research here and found that at certain times of the year the stone seemed to be emanating ultrasound and electromagnetic signals. Whether or not one agrees with ley lines, Watkinss theory spoke more to peoples imagination and a universal desire to know more about our ancient ancestors than logic and reason. Copyrights By Li Creative Technologies - 2022, Introduction- Find Ley Lines On Google Earth. [36] For many ley hunters, this Neolithic period was seen as a golden age in which Britons lived in harmony with the natural environment. There are many stories and experiences that tell us otherwise. This is often referred to as ley line tapping. Download the UVG-grid-compiled -by-B-Hagens.kmz file. Google Earth is a powerful navigation tool. [44] Jeremy Harte, editor of Wessex Earth Mysteries, subsequently produced several books on folklore; his book on British fairy lore later won the Folklore Society's annual prize. Find Out More, Copyright 1998-2023 Project Weird. Churches were later built on these sites that became popular with worshippers. The dowsing rods become the conduit between the person conducting the dowsing and the energy lines. Next, check out these ancient maps that show how our ancestors saw the world. Google Earth is a great tool for anyone who loves exploring the world. "What Are Ley Lines?" 5 Mysterious Monuments from Around the World, Carr-Gomm, Philip and Richard Heygate. Devereux also claimed that the ley lines could just be coincidentally overlapping with esteemed monuments. There are countless smaller ley lines dotted around the UK, but so as not to over complicate the map, we're just showing major ley lines that have been supported by several sources. Selecting which ley lines to show from the menu is also quite cumbersome, not so user friendly. In his lesser-known book, The Old Standing Crosses of Herefordshire, Watkins explained that priests would mark holy places by putting up wooden, and later stone, crosses. We can use Google Earth to find these lines on Google Earth. Google Earth is one of the most useful applications in our daily lives. [6] He proposed that the Long Man of Wilmington chalk geoglyph in Sussex was a depiction of such an individual with their measuring equipment. Alfred Watkins' ley map. This web page was created by Google to show the evolution of the internet and how it has changed over time. Her experiences with the paranormal include leading workshops and a talk radio show. Crawford filed these letters under a section of his archive titled "Crankeries" and was annoyed that educated people believed such ideas when they were demonstrably incorrect. You can use crystals, especially quartz, to amplify and tap into ley line energies to effect all types of benefits. British archaeologists were then overwhelmingly committed to ideas of cultural diffusionism, and thus unwelcoming to ideas about ley lines being an independent British development. 1 - Pair of copper, brass, or wood dowsing rods, 1 pk - Colored flag marker (optional to use different color to mark weaker energy lines). They can't be seen on a map like longitude and latitude, but these lines are the foundational organization of the earth's energetic grid. Further, they supposedly carry with them rivers of "supernatural energy". Google is a search engine. 7 April 2015. Several of the alignments passing through the stones also traversed beacons, and so Watkins considered Stonehenge to be a significant hub in the ley-line network. [52] On The Skeptic's Dictionary, the American philosopher and skeptic Robert Todd Carroll noted that none of the statements about magnetic forces underpinning putative ley lines have been scientifically verified. The objective of the game is to connect two points on the map and create a line between them. Ley lines are the connectors of these points of energy. They would then become areaswhere people could gather outdoors to listen to preachers. Watkins believed that mark stones like the whetstone found at Hergest Ridge or the stone found in the corner of an old house in the village of Pembridge marked important places of trade, and also fell into ley alignment. [1], From the 1940s through to the 1960s, the archaeological establishment blossomed in Britain due to the formation of various university courses on the subject. The lines are curved to follow the curve of the Earth's surface (to be more accurate). In this way people were able to move across the country . Ley lines are straight lines that, amazingly, connect the world's ancient megaliths, monuments, and energy centers. In 1921, amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins made a discovery. "Sedona Vortexes." Sign up to the Higgypop newsletter to find out about new videos and exclusive content first. [7] To assist this growing body of enthusiasts who were looking for their own ley lines in the landscape, in 1927, Watkins published The Ley Hunter's Manual. Before intensive farming had rapidly changed the landscape, prehistoric Britain would have been covered in dense woodland, making it very difficult to navigate. The energy is said to extend 30 miles each side of a ley line. British Latitudinal Ley Line ‐ 565 miles, .___. [23] Michell invented various claims about archaeological evidence to suit his purpose. [11] The term ley derived from the Old English term for a cleared space, with Watkins adopting it for his lines because he found it to be part of the place-names of various settlements that were along the lines he traced. Some never before published. [41] Some maintained that even if the presence of earth energies running through ley lines could not be demonstrated with empirical evidence and rational argumentation, this did not matter; for them, a belief in ley lines was an act of faith, and in their view archaeologists were too narrow-minded to comprehend this reality. [30], Part of the popularity of ley hunting was that individuals without any form of professional training in archaeology could take part and feel that they could rediscover "the magical landscapes of the past". He published his seminal work, The Old Straight Track, which fully demonstrated his new-found phenomenon, in 1952. Understanding your aura colors and what they mean can provide an energetic snapshot of your current spiritual, mental, and emotional state. [35] They were nevertheless generally in agreement that the ley lines were laid out between 5000 BCE and 2600 BCE, after the introduction of agriculture but before the introduction of metal in Britain. [34] Professional archaeologists, whose view of the ley hunters was largely negative, took little interest in such research. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. [44], The Ley Hunter magazine ceased publication in 1999. Following sustained archaeological criticism, the ley hunter community dissipated in the 1990s, with several of its key proponents abandoning the idea and moving into the study of landscape archaeology and folkloristics. Energy points are near or pass through mountains and bodies of water that form a ring around the Grand Tetons. Archaeologists and scientists regard ley lines as an example of pseudoarchaeology and pseudoscience. Tucked amid the UKs glorious Welsh Marches region, the English county of Herefordshire glows a rich golden green. Along the ley lines lie the Great Pyramids of Giza, Chichen Itza, and Stonehenge, all wonders of the world that continue to surprise archaeologists today. Historical imagery is a very important piece of information in our history books. The shape of a triangle can be represented as a point on the sphere, and the distribution of all shapes can be thought of as a distribution over the sphere. [1] What is a ley line on a map? They stated that their "project made Seattle the first city on Earth to balance and tune its ley-line system". He believed that ley lines are straight, electromagnetic paths that connect to ancient sacred sites around the world. The Seattle Arts Commission contributed $5,000 to the project, bringing criticisms from members of the public who regarded it as a waste of money. From the Druids to various ancient civilizations, these lines have been marked by what many believe to be sacred symbols that have withstood thousands of years and likely will survive many more. When using the dowsing rods inside your home, be aware that electronic devices, electricity, and metal, all give energy readings that might be misconstrued as ley lines. [20], A study by David George Kendall used the techniques of shape analysis to examine the triangles formed by standing stones to deduce if these were often arranged in straight lines. [20] Ruggles noted that in this period, ley lines came to be conceived as "lines of power, the paths of some form of spiritual force or energy accessible to our ancient ancestors but now lost to narrow-minded twentieth-century scientific thought". [34] He was one of the founding members of the Dragon Project, launched in London in 1977 with the purpose of conducting radioactivity and ultrasonic tests at prehistoric sites, particularly the stone circles created in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. In his opinion, there should be less irrelevant images in these results so that users could find more relevant ones when searching for information about historical events or places such as Rome. He noticed that ancient sites, at different points around the world all fell into a sort of alignment. Unfortunately, many crosses were destroyed during the Reformation, but an example of a standing cross can still be seen at the church of St John the Baptist in the village of Orcop (pictured). Piper's paper presented to the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club in 1882, which noted that: "A line drawn from the Skirrid-fawr mountain northwards to Arthur's Stone would pass over the camp and southernmost point of Hatterall Hill, Oldcastle, Longtown Castle, and Urishay and Snodhill castles. It was coined by a reporter from the New York Times magazine. "[46] Pennick for instance went on to write a range of short books and pamphlets on European folklore. However, it operates on a very different model than other applications and platforms. Watkins actively encouraged his readers to become foot-archaeologists, and even published The Ley Hunters Manual: A Guide to Early Tracks, which provided further instructions on how to find ley lines. In 1969, John Michell applied the principles of feng shui landform to the concept of ley lines as points of energy due to the land formations. Although Watkinss study was focused on the UK, particularly in England and Wales, he believed ley lines could be sighted in other parts of the world. This website uses cookies. But it was his ideas about ley lines tracks developed by prehistoric man for navigational purposes which he believed covered Herefordshire, all of the UK and possibly even the entire globe that brought him fame in the early 20th Century. [29] As part of their book, they examined the example of the West Penwith district that Michell had set out as a challenge to archaeologists during the previous decade. (Jan. 14, 2015) http://www.livescience.com/41349-ley-lines.html, Sacred Destinations. Enourmous earthworks, three stone circles. With literally tens of thousands of potential data points around the globe, it is little wonder that ley lines can be found everywhere. While little is known about its purpose, theories range from it being a fortification rampart to a showy demonstration of King Offas wealth. If you notice a connection between these ley lines and you (or any thing else that's interesting), please let us know. [30] Another key book produced among the ley hunting community was Mysterious Britain, written by Janet and Colin Bord. "The Lore and Lure of Ley Lines." According to ley line researcher and author David Cowan, these lines were once called faery paths. Herefordshire is where self-taught amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins penned The Old Straight Track, a contentious book published in 1925 that posited one of the most well-known theories about ancient Britain of its time. Some boost their individual abilities by connecting with specific ley lines. [45] He also noted that the ley hunting community had "functioned as an indispensable training ground for a small but important group of non-academic scholars who have made a genuine contribution to the study of folklore and mythology. This means that when you look at something in Google Earth, there are no annotations on the pictures or written comments around them. However, apart from the physical presence of the sites themselves, proving the presence of a 'connection' between them is something that researchers have found notoriously elusive. These include Sedona, Mount Shasta, Yellowstone Park, Lake Mojave, Lake Mead and Mount Rainier. The problem with Google Earth is that it is not very well supported by other software tools. (Jan. 14, 2015) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/hay-festival/10076220/Hay-Festival-2013-The-truth-behind-Alfred-Watkinss-ley-lines.html, Radford, Benjamin. [18] The Club survived him, although it became largely inactive at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and formally disbanded in 1948. This resurgence in popularity was arguably linked to authors like John Michell, who expanded upon Watkinss theory. I've researched often in the last few years to try to pin down a specific map covering the US. This is an interactive map that connects Mount Tamalpais and The Mystery Spot (Santa Cruz). Google Earth can be used to locate underground water sources, ancient burial sites and other secrets of the earth. On a sunny afternoon in 1921, while he was out riding his horse along the rolling hills surrounding the hamlet of Blackwardine, Watkins had an astonishing revelation while looking out over the landscape, which he later described as being like a flood of ancestral memory. "[48] During the 1970s and 1980s, a belief in ley lines fed into the modern Pagan community. When he travelled across Herefordshire by horse and cart for his familys flour-milling business, he also hauled his heavy camera equipment and delicate glass negatives everywhere he went. The best way to determine if you are picking up authentic ley line energy is to compare your readings from outside with those inside. stone circles created in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, "A Survey of the Statistical Theory of Shape", "A Strange Cartography: Leylines, Landscape and "Deep Mapping" in the Works of Alfred Watkins", Finding Places of Power: Dowsing Earth Energies, Aliens with a taste for pick 'n' mix: Woolworths stores follow uncanny geometrical patterns, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ley_line&oldid=1148483768, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 April 2023, at 12:51. [1] Here he interpreted ley lines by reference to the Chinese concept of lung mei energy lines. So you can see why there are some skeptics. Some even link UFO sightings and Freemason conspiracies to the lines. When you have a flat map of the world, it is easy to draw lines. About This Video Tom Scott explains the theory behind ley lines during a trip to Avebury henge, in Wiltshire on the day of the winter solstice. Be the sites man-made or natural, they all fell into a pattern, usually a straight line. [23], In the mid-1970s, Michell then published a detailed case study of the West Penwith district of Cornwall, laying out what he believed to be the ley lines in the area. [34], It was only in the 1980s that professional archaeologists in Britain began to engage with the ley hunting movement. In 2016, Google is changing its approach to navigation by introducing blue dot on its maps. Further adding to this theory, people believe that every ancient site of Great Britain is interconnected here on this line. During the 1960s, Watkins' ideas were revived in altered form by British proponents of the countercultural Earth Mysteries movement. We did find 3 ley lines where hauntings cluster. This view was promoted to a wider audience in the books of John Michell, particularly his 1969 work The View Over Atlantis. [22] Wedd suggested that either spacecraft were following the prehistoric landmarks for guidance or that both the leys and the spacecraft were following a "magnetic current" flowing across the Earth. Important! In the British countryside, a mound is a natural or man-made hump of rounded earth that stands higher than its immediate surroundings. For instance, the Queens Stone in the village of Symonds Yat has strange grooves painstakingly carved into its exterior, which Watkins dubiously imagined may have been used as slots for wooden poles to hold prisoners who were the victims of human sacrifice rituals. [18] Watkins died on 7 April 1935. It is a very powerful tool for navigation and exploration. North East Scotland Ley Line ‐ 138 miles, .___. Whether ancient civilisations really knew about these lines is debatable, but the modern-day concept of ley lines comes from Alfred Watkins' book 'The Old Straight Track'. Ley hunters often combined their search for ley lines with other esoteric practices like dowsing and numerology and with a belief in a forthcoming Age of Aquarius that would transform human society.

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