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According to certified personal trainer Lyuda Bouzinova, the beach offers a more functional workout because exercising on the sand incorporates the element of balance into every motion. . [CDATA[ */ Stephanie Nuzzo is the Editor of Lifehacker Australia. We put our hands on our heads, as if we were detained. Were Officially Fans of Vuoris New Evolve Workout ClothesHeres Why. And to see more tips on what kinds of exercises are great for a well-rounded fitness routine, read our guide next. Even so, today I've decided to try kickboxing, which is one of the many things Lopez does to stay in shape. This external hip rotation helps adequately lengthen and stretch the muscle fibers attached to the iliac crest i.e., the hip bone Lewis says. This looks easy but its not a cake walk either," says Zaineb Ali, a certified Pilates instructor. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. At 52 years old she continues to wow us mere mortals with her incredible rig and enviable physical ability have you seen her bust out choreography? To do the inchworm crawl, youll assume a plank position. Here are just a few reasons you should incorporate platypus walks into your daily routine: While you may feel weird in the wide-legged waddle position, this strange stance is key for targeting the largest muscle group in your body: your glutes. 6 unconventional sports that will really get you in shape. How to Increase Your Flexibility When You Cant Even Touch Your Toes. var f = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[ 0 ], she reportedly avoids consuming caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, one of the many things Lopez does to stay in shape. 7. Or perhaps the speedy cheetah with its explosive strides. I worked out like Angelina Jolie for a week, and it was tough but I want to steal her workout, I tried working out like Jennifer Garner for a week, and it made my abs look great but I almost didn't make it, I worked out like Beyonc for a week, and I fell on my face, almost threw up, and have never felt more sore in my life. So much so that there is a video on her coachs Instagram where Jennifer Lpez is seen practicing this peculiar exercise routine in 2017. (a) Start in a pli squat position. Singer Jennifer Lopez swears by a body-weight workout called the platypus walk which involves taking angled steps with the legs spread apart. Moving forward is more difficult than moving backward. I start the day pretty excited to try out Lopez's core workout, which features a lot of moves that I've never heard of. Plus, it's low impact (read: kind to your joints and safe for most people), requires no equipment and takes up very little space (meaning you can do them just about anywhere). A zero-equipment exercise, this can be done anywhere, anytime, and can be included in combinations of workouts, Warm-up Play the proactive game to ward off pain. After 7 days of working out like the singer, I noticed my butt looked lifted and I felt more toned. Start in a plie squat position, with your hands behind your head and your thighs parallel to the ground. Sign up for notifications from Insider! All rights reserved. Then, do the reverse. This movement is exceptionally good for developing lower body strength and mobility. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. As gratifying as it's been to see some immediate results, my whole body is in pain at this point and it's basically begging me to end this week-long challenge. as well as other partner offers and accept our. How to Tell If Your Irregular Periods Are a Sign of a Bigger Health Issue. Next, I do some shoulder taps, squats with a row machine, bicep curls with 5-pound weights, and tricep extensions with a 10-pound weight. Jennifer Lopez has a meticulous gym routine, including glute bridges and a varied abs workout. More or less we all know what a platypus is, that mixture of such disparate species. A frog jump is similar to a squat jump, except that instead of jumping straight up, you jump while propelling yourself forward. The glutes, quads and hamstrings are all heavily contracted from start to finish when traveling through these movement patterns, Walker said. To try it yourself, do 40 seconds of platypus walks as quickly as you can, taking a few steps forward then a few steps back. dm.AjaxData.push({ et: et,d: d,ssid: ssid,ad: ad}); While platypus walks are low impact, they can still be high intensity especially if you move fast. The platypus walk is an exercise that requires some resistance and is an uncomfortable posture that we will not like too much, unless we want well-rounded and perfect buttocks. Platypus Walks. Jennifer Lopez Responds to Accusations That She Photoshopped Her Abs on Instagram, 10 Super-Impressive Britney Spears Workouts on Instagram, 7 Easy Fixes to Make Butt Exercises More Effective. Platypus walks which involve coming into a deep sumo squat and walking forward and backward are aptly named because they imitate the signature waddle of the water animal on land. But Kirsch said in a recent interview that, "Jennifer and I do a lot of platypus walks with a wide stance. It is supposed to tone the lower body, including the inner thighs and butt. Start by standing with your feet about 2 feet apart. The walk that we explain today in this text is famous, because when done correctly it is possible to strengthen the buttocks and thighs, apart from toning them and achieving that look of a rounded and perfect area. Immediately, I feel out of my element. Lara Walsh for Insider One of the things I'm most looking forward to about this week is Kirsch's focus on "less is more, truncated workouts."The trainer usually gives Lopez 30 to 45 minutes of full-body workouts to help her get the most bang for her buck in the shortest amount of time, but I divided up the moves a bit to give my muscles adequate time to rest. Keeping your back straight, lower your body towards the ground by bending your knees. Also known as a sumo walking squat," Kirsch said in an interview with Vogue. Walking increases oxygen flow through the body. Muscles that I didn't know existed in my lower and side abs are on fire, making sitting up in bed a big struggle. '' + i + dl; It's fun and functional. 15 Aug 2014. Now we walk a few steps forward and others backward. A post shared by David Kirsch (@davidkirsch). We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Here's Lopez crushing them like a champto the tune of Justin Timberlake's "Senorita," no less: This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. You can include them in a cardio circuit, as part of a warm-up, or work them into a set of strength exercises. All rights reserved. The platypus walk exercises the thighs and buttocks, and is one of the exercises that Jennifer Lpez performs the most among other world-famous celebrities. Those areas will feel most of the burn, but the exercise will also work out other muscles, the trainer Sarah Otey told I struggle to do regular push-ups, so I'm apprehensive to try to do these special ones while balancing on a Bosu ball. Platypus Walks. After, I have to lay on the mat for a full minute because I'm so exhausted. The balls of your feet should be facing outward and straight ahead, not lopsided. If you're ready to get stronger with every step and are looking for a legit lower-body burn, add platypus walks to your workout plan, ASAP. And most importantly, dont forget to breathe," adds Zaineb. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Just as I advance, we will say that nothing special is necessary, just square the posture and practice it several times during the training section. It is useless to do it in any way, since we will only seem somewhat silly walking weird through the hallway of our house. So much so that it is believed to have arisen from a romance between a water rat and a duck, several hundred years ago in Australia. Watch Kirsch, who's also worked with celebs like Kate Upton and Heidi Klum, demo the exercise as well: Note how Kirsch's knees are turned out in this old-school throwback to his first fitness video (the move's obviously been a favorite of his for a long time). It can also increase levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Standing and on foot in that stance strengthens core muscle mass and hamstrings, glutes, and exterior rotators. She did the first step walking forward and then walked backward for the second set. Explaining the benefits of the platypus walk, Zaineb says, "It lifts the butt a good inch higher, working the inner thighs.". After completing the moves, I collapse on the mat and call it a day. } )( window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-K98T48X' ); By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider The lizard crawl is the best for building strength throughout the entire body, Walker said. 2023 Cond Nast. You wont want to skip these tracksor your stretches. Since this is my very first kickboxing class, I try and stretch out with some yoga moves before diving in. Platypus walks which involve coming into a deep sumo squat and walking forward and backward are aptly named because they imitate the signature waddle of the water animal on land. Explaining the benefits of the platypus walk . Moving fast like J.Lo gets your heart rate up, says Oteyjust make sure you can keep your form on point. Ad Choices, Jennifer Lopez Shows Off Her Strong Butt and Thighs With the Platypus Walk. = function(et, d, ssid, ad){ Standing and walking in that stance strengthens core muscles and hamstrings, while keeping the hands on the back of the head during the walk offers some minor resistance to the shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Kirsch echoed this, sharing that maintaining a good sleep routine is important for recovery post-workout and will help with your overall wellness. 22 Lululemon Deals Youre Going to Want to Add to Cart ASAP, You Better Work, Bitch: The Essential Britney Spears Workout Playlist. It is supposed to tone the lower body, including the inner thighs . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. "The knees must also be stacked on top of the ankle, with most of your weight sitting on the ankle. It is also known as a sumo walking squat.". A mixture of cardio and strength training. They may be challenging even for a mega-star like Lopez, but platypus walks are actually an incredibly accessible exercisethere's zero equipment required, it's low-impact, and you don't need a ton of space. Try this move to target and tighten your glutes: The Platypus Walk. Here we do not induce to copy other bodies or to complex ourselves, we only encourage exercise and we will like this walk, although at first it seems strange to us. That is why it is vital to always have a ready-made base, hence the importance of exercising regularly and having a balanced diet. By the end of my reps, my legs are shaking and I have to sit down, but the routine feels much easier this time around. The Platypus Walk is a great exercise for your lower back and glutes. Jennifer Lopez stays in shape with strength training, HIIT, kickboxing, and ab-targeted moves. With your knees and feet turned outward, the move requires an exaggerated external rotation of the hips. Theres more to mobility work than just stretching. Put your hands behind your . But the platypus walk is a fitness exercise, so its not about caring for or studying this peculiar animal species. While in the pli squat position (an exercise that strengthens the legs, glutes, and calves and increases the range of motion in your hips), waddle forward with your right foot in front of your left. We are loosening the hip flexors, making the gluteus muscles stronger, and increasing their capability to hold that sit back position while keeping the core braced in an upright stance, Walker said. To do a duck walk, squat down onto the balls of your feet. During the movement, you want to make sure your hands are behind your head, your thighs are parallel to the ground, your knees are straight and forward, and your weight is in your heels. f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f ); In other words, the time under tension helps you build strong leg muscles. Not only will your loose, limber hips thank you, but your lower back will, too. She was once quoted by CBS saying, Sleep is my weapon. I wake up, and my arms and shoulders feel like they're on fire. My whole body was completely exhausted and sore after just one week of trying out this routine. This low squat technique works "the inner thighs and lifts and tones the butt." Lopez's favorite ab exercises are ones that work with a stability ball "For her abs and core, we do stability-ball pikes," Kirsch told Allure. by The Editors of Women's Health Published: Oct 6, 2014. . How to Do Frogger Squats for Lower-Body Strength and Mobility, This 5-Minute Sprint Workout Will Take Your Speed and Cardio to the Next Level, Challenge Your Lower-Body Endurance and Strength With This 20-Minute Isometric Glute Workout, How to Build Your Quads and the 7 Best Exercises to Try, 5 Lower-Body Exercise Swaps for Long-Term Gains, How to Tell if You Have Tight Hip Flexors and the 3 Best Ways to Loosen Them. Hold your hands together in front of your chest. This can include jumping, hopping, and crawling in all sorts of unusual (for a person) patterns. Cardio to get your heart rate up by increasing the pace Copyright 2022 Tiptar | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Take five . Working with these two trainers, Lopez has put together a routine that combines high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises, strength training, kickboxing, and ab workouts. "Jennifer and I do a lot of platypus walks with a wide stance. One of my favorite signature exercises for inner thighs and butt lifting Standing and walking in that stance strengthens core muscles and hamstrings, glutes and external rotators. Right foot in front of you left, stay engaged in that plie squat. I still prefer regular boxing classes, but I bet I'd have a better experience if I was more accustomed to kickboxing. The squat makes this a good exercise for building lower body strength, while jumping forward helps you develop explosive power. Pressing through your heel and mid foot, take a step forward with one leg (remaining in the squatted position), then the other leg, and then backwards with each leg in turn. Done correctly, you should feel them in your butt, the backs of your legs, and your quads for a total lower-body burn, she says. In an interview with Self magazine, Kirsch said that, when he's pressed for time, he has Lopez do Spider-Man push-ups on a Bosu ball, which is a sort of half-hemisphere workout tool. Try doing this for 40 seconds forward; take a 10-sec rest and do 40 seconds backwards for a set of three repetitions. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. The platypus walk exercise is also extremely versatile: "Platypus walks could be incorporated as a warm-up to your workout, utilized as cardio or in a strength-training session (especially with the addition of ankle weights)," says Joilan Lewis, CPT, a certified personal trainer at LifeTime. This is one of my all-time favorite signature moves! Next, slowly lift your left leg behind you and bring it up to your butt. Start in a plie squat position, with your hands behind your head and your thighs parallel to the ground. Putting some pep in your platypus step will definitely get your heart rate up. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Those are the hormones that help elevate energy levels. Yes, I wish to receive exclusive discounts, special offers and competitions from our partners. Stay up to date with what you want to know. 2023 Deccan Chronicle. And walking like an animalinstead of like a humanshould be different enough. Then, take one step at a time with each foot. Jennifer Lopez has a meticulous gym routine, includingglute bridges and a varied ab workout. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. w[ l ].push( { Although I love standard boxing classes, kickboxing seems to take a whole other level of focus and balance to nail working my legs and hands in tandem. It hits your inner thighs and the lower part of your butt. The workout involved Lopez standing in a wide stance with the knees turned outward. Despite the fact that I'm a total kickboxing beginner, I'm completely drenched in sweat by the time that I'm done with this class. Sure, the move may look a little funny, but this wide-legged waddle seriously builds your leg and glute muscles while stretching your hips. (b) Hold the squat, then reverse, keeping your weight on your heels. .css-26w0xw{display:block;font-family:NationalBold,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-26w0xw:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-26w0xw{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-26w0xw{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-26w0xw{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-26w0xw{font-size:1.575rem;line-height:1.1;margin-bottom:-0.5rem;}}'I went spinning twice a week for 1 month', Simple tips to build a rounder, bigger bum, Oura Ring review: My new favourite fitness gadget, 'I trained like Michelle Keegan for 2 weeks', Rochelle Humes looks strong AF in a bikini, 13 CrossFit workouts for every level of experience, CBA with the gym? Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Wearing a shirt that says "but first, the gym" (because J.Lo's got that dedication), Lopez is shown taking a few steps forward while holding a deep pli squat, then taking a few steps back, per Kirsch's instructions. "The quickest, most effective workout for your butt says is the platypus walk," Kirsch told Brit + Co. It's best to do this exercise with ankle weights. The platypus walk exercises the thighs and buttocks, and is one of the exercises that Jennifer Lpez performs the most among other world-famous celebrities. Low-impact exercises like platypus walks are gentler on the joints. /*

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